Waterlemon Blog

something for Quora

quora is a good place to find the answer

Quora is Q&A community Quora is a place which people can ask question and anwser the question. And here have many awesome answer which we can learn more. I have to learning It is hard to me t...

Welcome to waterlemon Blog

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

“Yeah I am here. ” 前言 某天的突发奇想,就开始创立这个博客。这里的从创建到写日记并没有花太长的时间,感谢伟大的开源。 正文 创建这个博客需要了解的知识有: github的基本操作 git的使用 简单了解html和web开发原理 Markdown的使用 其实,去了解的...

Happy New Year!


新年新气象,在新的一年里,步步高升、身体健康、万事如意 同时大家新的一年的愿望都能实现,哇! 多棒呀! 还不赶紧抢红包。。。